Frequently asked questions about sailing duties
Frequently asked questions about sailing duties
What time does my duty start?
The time on the duty roster is the time that your duty starts.
This may differ to the event start time but this is to allow time to prepare club equipment for the start of the event.
It is also a good idea to monitor the club website, Weekly Roundup and Facebook pages for updated information on that week's sailing events.
Who am I on duty with?
Look on the duty roster to remind you who you are doing a duty with and which patrol boat you are assigned to.
Who is running the sailing event?
If you look at the duty roster and the sign-on sheet, you can determine if the event is being run by ESC or by ESSC. If the event is being run by ESSC the Race Officers will be based in the start hut located on the Millpond wall. If the event is being run by ESC the Race Officer will be based on the Bridge at ESC.
Patrol boat duty questions
Where are the boat boxes and keys kept?
The boat keys are kept in the boat boxes stored in the store room. In order to unlock the door you just need your club member's card/wristband. The boat keys open the wheel clamp and the fuel store and start the boat.
What do I wear on a patrol boat duty?
Both the helm and crew should be prepared to get their feet wet when launching the patrol boats.
Either the cox or the crew may be required on rare occasions to enter the water and the cox is responsible to ensure at least one person is dressed to be able to do this.
Do I need to be winch-trained to launch a patrol boat?
No, ask for help to launch the boat from those taking part in the event. As part of getting the patrol boat ready for your duty it is also a good idea to move the boat to the top of the slipway.
Those taking part in the sailing event will then have to help you to launch the boat before they launch their own boats.
When does my patrol boat duty finish?
To ensure the safety of the fleet, the patrol boat should stay afloat until stood down by the Race Officer. Once back ashore the boat and equipment needs to be packed away ready for the next duty.
How do I report a problem with club equipment that occurred during my duty?
There is a paper boat log for each of the patrol boats in the Work store, or alternatively follow this link to report any issues online.
If you identify a near miss, an unsafe act, a security concern, an accident, a safeguarding issue or anything in disrepair (broken, missing, damaged etc), at the Club please follow this link to report it.