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Home / On Water / What Can I Hire At ESC? / Stand Up Paddleboards (SUPs):Terms of Use, Hire And Storage
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Home / On Water / What Can I Hire At ESC? / Stand Up Paddleboards (SUPs):Terms of Use, Hire And Storage

Stand Up Paddleboarding at Emsworth Sailing Club

The Opportunity at Emsworth Sailing Club

Emsworth is an ideal location from which to learn to SUP, start a SUP tour and hold races in the Millpond.

The Club is a recognised BSUPA training establishment able to offer the 2-hour Level 1 Ready to Ride and also half day Level 2 Ready to Tour and / or Ready to Race courses.

The Club has invested in 2 inflatable paddle boards and associated kit, and these can be hired.

General Safety Policy Statement on SUPs

Safety is the first priority for all involved in any SUP activity with Emsworth Sailing Club, whether this be for private use or for training under the BSUPA scheme.

Attention is drawn to the need to comply with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCS) and the Chichester Harbour Byelaws. Common practice is that SUPs are regarded as "power driven vessels" and consequently keep clear of sailing vessels as well as other obligations under IRPCS. If the hirer/user is in any doubt at all about the safety of an activity in which they are taking part, they should immediately seek guidance.

SUP activities on water are defined as hazardous under the definition of the Adventure Licensing Activity Authority, which is mostly related to under 18s and vulnerable adults. The Club does not possess an AALA license and so special restrictions are in place to ensure the Club's SUP activities are exempt from this legislation. The key restriction is that any SUP 'hirer' MUST be a full member of the Club with no exception and that means friends and grandchildren of members are excluded from using Club SUPs.

It is a Club decision that the minimum age for Club members to sign that they agree to the Terms of Use of SUPs is 18; it is then a decision of that adult to decide who is actually on the water. Hirers must have made a booking online and signed to say they have accepted the terms and conditions, which includes reference to the general risk assessment for sailing activities. In booking the craft, the competent/responsible person is to ensure that a safe system is set up before getting underway. This includes making an assessment of weather, wind, tides and air/water temperature in relation to the experience of those taking part.

Users take responsibility for their own safety and the safety of those around them. In particular the Club is not providing rescue cover and so the hirer (signee) of the documentation is declaring the user of the SUP is competent in self-rescue techniques. If they are in any doubt at all about the safety of an activity in which they are taking part they should immediately seek guidance.

For instructional training purposes leading to awards under BSUPA, the minimum qualification is a BSUPA Level 1 Instructor; recognition lies with a BSUPA Level 2 Instructor as the Principal. In accordance with the main operating procedures, a SUP instructor will fulfil the same role as an RYA Instructor.

Restrictions on the Use of the ESC SUPs

1. Maximum on-board weight: 105 kgs

2. Maximum wind speed: 10 knots/11 mph/18 kph/Force 3. If the mean wind speed current or forecast at Cambermet is in excess of this, there will be no SUP activity. Always check the forecast (Windguru, Cambermet) before setting off. Be especially careful if the wind is Northerly and therefore offshore, because this can make returning to the Centre particularly arduous.

3. Range: Emsworth Channel and Sweare Deep to Fisheries to the South and Hayling Bridge to the West.

4. Chichester Harbour Conservancy asks all users of the waterways to keep their distance from nesting birds and seals. For information, see Chichester Harbour Conservancy website.

5. Personal Flotation Devices must be worn by users. These are not supplied by ESC.

6. The leash must always be worn, secured above the ankle around the calf . Personal waist secured leashes are also acceptable. No leash no paddleboarding!

7. Footwear must be worn - bare feet are not acceptable. Water sport shoes or similar are required.

8. Launching and landing the board present particular hazards, especially when stepping down from the board into an unknown and potentially shallow depth of water. You are advised not to stand up on the board until in at least 1m of water.

9. For private users a mobile phone in a suitable waterproof container should be taken. It is helpful to have useful numbers like harbour patrol already loaded.

10. Take great care with the tide. Private use of the Club SUPs should only take place +/-.2 hours of high water

11. Do not leave a SUP unattended on a mooring, beach, pontoon, etc. If a SUP is stolen while in your care, the hirer is liable for the replacement cost.

12. Attention is drawn to the need to comply with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCS) and the Chichester Harbour Byelaws. There will be more traffic beyond South of Emsworth Beacon.

Current Private Use information

Cost: The cost is detailed on the ESC website and is per day.

The club has two SUPs:

SUP 1 12'6"

SUP 2 - 10'6"

To book: Book the SUP via the club website

Payment: This is taken via the website.

Collection. The boards are stored in the Board Store (north side of the pool). Each board has its own padlock and the padlock keys are in the key safe also in the Board Store. Please return the key to the key safe in the Board Store (during the time you are using the board).

Pre Use Equipment check

1. Check the board all round, including fixed fins, and the paddle for scuffs, cracks or any damage. Do not take out a damaged or less-than-fully inflated board or damaged paddle. The STX Free Ride should be inflated to 15psi/1Bar.

2. Affix the 9-inch centre fin (found under the bungie tie-downs on the board): slide it fully into the slot and then secure by inserting the flattened pin into notch. Check pin locked and fin secure.

3. Check that the leash is attached to the board. Remember no leash no paddleboarding!

4. To determine the length of the paddle stand alongside an upright paddle and raise one arm straight up; the end of the paddle should reach to the wrist. To adjust the paddle, simply twist the pole and extend/reduce its height. Twist in the opposite direction to the lock.

After Use

  1. Return board to the Board Store. Always stand board with the bow UP.
  2. Please lock the boards as you found them. There is a D ring on the stern of the board.
  3. Store the paddle next to the board.
  4. Return the key to Key Safe.
  5. Tell your friends how great that was.
  6. Rebook.
  7. Notify all damage, faults, wear or missing equipment via

Board care

* Simple rule treat this SUP the way you would treat your own kit. Please avoid dragging and scraping boards and do not stand on the board when it is on a hard surface. STX boards are tough, but at the end of the day they are just inflatables!

* At the end of a SUP, remove the 9-inch central fin and slide it under the bungies.

* Hose down the board and paddle.

* Please return all equipment to the Board Store and store carefully where you found it. Do not rest the fins of one board on top of another.

How to SUP

The Internet is loaded with clips and instructions on how to paddleboard. They are really useful, easy to follow and as they say a picture tells a thousand words. It is a good idea to watch the clips on how to get back onto the board if you fall off.

Common SUP mistakes:

  1. When standing, always hold the paddle with one hand on the top of the handle and the other on the shaft a lot of people always want to hold the paddle like a broomstick, with both hands on the shaft don't do it!
  2. Keep your feet parallel and spread shoulder width apart in the centre of the board. Save the surf pose for Cornwall! Don't lock out your knees, keep relaxed, and look in the direction you are going rather than down at the water
  3. Make sure your grip on the paddle is shoulder width apart short grips will give you a less powerful stroke. The paddle is not a broomstick, so don't hold it with both hands on the shaft.
  4. Dip the blade fully into the water and take a long stroke, letting your large back muscles not your arms do the work.
  5. There is no law that you have to stand up. If you want to paddle sitting or kneeling go ahead! SUP yoga is at your own risk and everyone else's enjoyment

Detailed Terms of Use

Terms of Hire are in accordance with ESC Terms of Use of hire of watercraft (here)

Matt Wright 22/5/24

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