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Powerboat training

In order to make sure that the Club's patrol boat coxswains are suitably qualified, the Club runs RYA power boat training as an RYA Training Centre.

The minimum qualification for driving any of the planing boats (the RIBs or one of the Commandos) is RYA Power Level 2; however, the aim is for coxswains involved in providing safety cover for Club activities to be qualified to RYA Safety Boat standard.

The Club operates three types of powerboat:

A Displacement craft (Escort): This type of boat has a fixed inboard engine driving a hull-mounted shaft and propeller. The main steerage is via a rudder. This boat is primarily used for race management duties, i.e. as committee boat.

4 Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIBs): This type of boat has a powerful outboard engine (40HP and above) where the engine acts as both power source and rudder, and rigid planing hull surmounted with an inflatable tube. These boats are primarily used as patrol/safety boats for racing events.

3 Rigid Hulled 'Commando' Dories: This type of boat is smaller and less powerful than a RIB, but still with an outboard motor for power and steering (usually 20HP or less). The engine may or may not be fitted with a propeller guard. If it is a significant performance reduction will be noticed. These craft are primarily used for covering junior sail training.

In consequence the Club offers the following training and assessment:

ESC Basic Boat Handling Course: This training, when offered, is aimed at fulfilling the requirement of supervision of youth sail training (i.e. Martlets etc). This course will be based on the RYA PB2 syllabus and will qualify individuals to act as coxswain of the Commando Dories only and as crew in RIBs for the advanced race series. This course will also be most suitable for juniors wishing to move into powerboat operations.

ESC Patrol/Rescue Boat Course: This training, based on the RYA PB2 course, provides the training required to act as a duty coxswain of a Club RIB during an organised race event. This course will provide the additional training required by ESC above that set in the RYA PB2 syllabus. The course will be examined in accordance with the RYA PB2 syllabus.

RYA Safety Boat Course: This training is provided in accordance with the RYA Safety Boat syllabus and is aimed at experienced Club coxswains. This qualification should be the aim point for all PB coxswains at ESC.

RYA Instructor Course: The Club requires a small flow of instructors from the cadre of experienced PB coxswains. This course will normally be conducted by an external instructor and examiner.

The principal training period will be March and April each year with shore-based training starting in February. Notices will be placed on both the Club website and noticeboard. There will be a charge for each type of training and personal safety equipment is the responsibility of the candidate.

If you would like to become qualified, please contact the club secretaries or Keir MacNally the Club's Chief Power Boat Instructor.

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